Ethiopia is one of the largest countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The country covers 1.14 million square kilometer occupying a large part of the horn of Africa. The country is endowed with unique combinations of natural and cultural heritages, impressive scenery, suitable climate, rich flora and fauna and recognized archaeological sites (Home of the earliest known Human Kind: Lucy or Australopithecus Afarensis-A3.2 Million-year old was discovered at HADAR in the Afar Region). Its capital, Addis Ababa is political capital of Africa being the seat of many international organizations including the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).Historically Ethiopia has played a major role in the world in cases such as religion. The oldest Mosque (the Al -Nejashi Mosque is a Symbol of tolerance and peaceful co-existence of different Religions in Ethiopia) in Africa and the oldest Church in Africa can both be found in one nation, Ethiopia.Ethiopia is beautifully land endowed with many kinds of flora and is natural havens for many kinds of wildlife and avifauna as for the unique natures of Ethiopia have everything the imaginative can’t image. For Flora and Fauna between 600 -1400 species of plants that are endemic to Ethiopia and that’s only 10-20% of the entire flora in Ethiopia! It isn’t hard to believe that such a rich plant life can exist in Ethiopia when in this country alone has several ecological systems as part of this nation.In Ethiopia you can travel to the Sahara, the largest desert in the world and visit the lowest elevation [Danakil Depression: -125 m] , and in the same country travel to the second highest point in Africa where most of the plant life lives. What else is more amazing is the number of animals' life that exists in this country, especially birds. Ethiopia is a bird watcher’s dream. More than 800 species of birds reside in Ethiopia of which 23 are endemic to the country. This allows bird watcher the rare glimpse of seeing so many different varieties in one place. There are more than 100 mammal species, of which seven of the big mammals are unique to Ethiopia.The mountains, the lakes, and the rivers of the country has many fascinating features. There are 25 mountains in central and northern Ethiopia, which are over 400 meters high above sea level and 60 of them are over 3000 meters. The fourth-highest pick of Africa's mountain – Ras Dashen- is also located in Ethiopia.The Blue Nile, Awash, Genale, the Wabi shebelle, Omo, Tekeze and Baro rivers are among the few and the most useful rivers for the country's socioeconomic development. The most known natural lakes are also found in the main rift valley region of Ethiopia. Lake Langano, Abyata, Shala, Abaya, Chamo, Awassa and others are among the potential ones for the development of tourism. Ethiopia also has a rich history. Its history extends in the pre-historic period when written history was not available. Among other things, the eight world heritage sites namely the Axum obelisks, the castles of Gondar, the Siemen mountain national park, the rock-hewn churches of Lalibella, the stealea of Tiya, Hadar (where Lucy was found) the lower Omo valley Paleoanthropological site and the walled city of Harar register by UNESCO as world heritages, testify Ethiopia’s might of ancient times and the endowment of the country with significant tourist attractions site.
Seven Day Ethiopia Tours is Ethiopian owned tour company that has been operating since 2015 offering wide selections of tour packages,